Jack Delaney's 2023-2024 Archive

Check out my Advanced Art and my Graphic Design/Photography work!

Advanced Art

This is the first project I did in my Advanced Art class. I tried to represent my own sort of curious nature in addition to the way that the world isn't really the same as it might see if I'm not there as I try to represent being inside of a room of sorts. It's done using relief on clay, letting the base shape portray my house, my safety, while the elements sticking outside represent the outside world, while the color differences reveal how things might change depending on where in both physical location and your stage in life you happen to be. My goal here was to express how I percieve the world, and I feel like I succeeded, the metaphor is clear enough, and although I wish I had used different colors, as they ended up not all looking the best together, I think the relief still works effectively.

I made this piece initially as a result of the censorship and misrepresentation of the Palestinian people by many news sources in the U.S., which eventually evolved into a piece about my disatisfication with the way American news outlets talk about many events, especially those regarding foreign matters. It's often just treated as entertainment, with multiple news outlets aiming to keep their viewership to the maximum and appealing to their largest audience, when in reality the goal should be to treat facts as facts and opinions as opinions, and to make that clear and to not blur the line if possible. It takes a first-person view to show how you and I and everyone else are not immune to this, and the way the exits are crossed out also push that. The medium here is paint on a stretched canvas. I think this did show my goal here effectively, which was the previously stated critique towards American politics, but I think I could've shown what events exactly were a problem somehow.

This is a work simply representing myself in a pose where I showed both my the way I focus in on my life and my interest in art, how if trying to use a reference photo, I may use my hands to create a sort of border. The medium here is pencil on paper, and I based it on a photo I took of myself. The goal here was just to get that sort of look onto the paper properly and accurately, and I succeeded in that, I feel like the emotions I put into it were enhanced by getting it on.

This piece represents my ADHD and the way life throws so many things my way that I seemingly have no way to respond to. I had this represented by a wave which destroyed my home and my room and all the things inside it, which also represents moving out and starting a life away from where I've grown up for. This was done for a storytelling assignment, and the way the story has multiple different meanings depending on what you look into means that the story is far more than the sum of each part of the piece. This was done with colored pencils, although I wish I had used paint in retrospect, as I don't think I gained much of anything in using colored pencils instead, but I still feel like it sets the emotion well and that the composition is solid.

Graphic Design/Photography

This is an edited self-portrait of me that I made using photo editing software. By changing the colors, messing with the expressions through removing parts of my face and replacing them with silly cartoon pictures, combined with the pose I picked, I was able to show a side of me that just has dumb fun sometimes. I honestly liked how it turned out, the proportions I think were a little off and I could've done it better, but I think overall it turned out well.

This here is another digital work where I redesigned an album cover, Green Day's American Idiot, where I aimed to show the album's themes of loneliness and depression and the story itt tells. I think I accomplished that goal fairly well, as the grayed colors and the representation of the main character's enviroment changing as he moves from the suburbs to the city, among other things show that story. This was, in my opinion, a success at creating a cover that represents the album properly.

This was a work based around the genocide in Palestine happening right now. We had to create propaganda posters relating to current event, and this was the one I chose due to the danger the Palestinian people face today. If I could change one thing about this work, I probably would've picked a different color, but besides that, I like overall how this one turned out.